Changes to your treatment regarding Coronavirus….

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A huge benefit of being a small business is we can keep really good control of the environment and the people using it. For the staff and the people that need physiotherapy, you can be assured that we have taken every precaution to ensure we provide excellent hygiene practice. The following changes are in place for those attending the clinic.

  1. Everyone entering the clinic will not get past our reception desk without washing and ‘gelling’ those hands.
  2. We have two waiting rooms and usually a spare treatment room so you may be asked to wait for your appointment in one of these areas to reduce your close contact with others.
  3. We have removed the sweetie jar and magazines- sorry!
  4. The treatment beds have had the bedding removed and will be cleaned between every patient.
  5. We still need pillows but these will be covered with single use paper as normal.
  6. Your physio will wash their hands, AS WE ALWAYS DO, before and after each patient.
  7. Please do not be offended, but we are wiping chair handles, door handles and banisters as you leave!
  8. Tissues and hand gel are readily available for you to use.
  9. Bodyfix staff will not be working if they have any symptoms. We have a very good understanding of the ‘vulnerable’ criteria regarding the Coronavirus and how serious this is for those people.
  10. We will be happy to discuss your worries/concerns and find solutions to making the best of this very difficult situation.

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