Physiotherapy sessions always start with a chat about what the problem is, how long you have been aware of it, what symptoms it causes and how it has affected what you can do and how you feel. Following this, we will examine your overall movements, the specific joint movement and the length and strength of the muscles. Please be aware, you will be asked to undress enough to expose the area involved so we can examine it properly. Your physiotherapist will then explain the diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment. We use a number of different treatments to reduce pain and improve movement.

Specific joint mobilisation and soft tissue release

This is ‘hands on’ treatment and can include myofascial release, trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage and specific joint movements. We find these methods often improve movement and reduce pain.

Exercise rehabilitation

Exercises targeted to your specific injury are a mainstay of successful physiotherapy.  Rehabilitation programmes have numerous goals such as, increasing joint mobility, muscle flexibility, muscle strength, general physical stamina, postural correction, balance and joint proprioception, core stability, improve circulation, reduce pain, improve mood and enhance your physical function.

Biomechanical correction

Your biomechanics is simply how each bit of your body moves in relation to another bit. Our bodies are fantastic at compensating when things are not quite perfect but unfortunately when we run out of compensations we usually end up with pain and stiffness. It is common for us to find old injuries that are causing new problems.


This is a system of complementary medicine derived from ancient Chinese medicine that uses fine needles, inserted into specific sites in the body, to help numerous conditions. It can be an effective therapy to help restore balance and promote physical and emotional well-being and effective in the treatment of conditions such as headaches, arthritis, skin conditions, anxiety, menstrual problems, infertility, aches and pains and many more.

The needles stimulate the body to produce its own natural substances and hormones, such as pain-relieving endorphins.  Traditional acupuncture goes further and looks at the flow of energy through the meridians of the body. Treatment is focused on restoring the flow through these meridians which is believed to cause illness if blocked.


We have therapeutic Ultrasound machines that are used to improve circulation and healing in certain soft tissue condition

Useful information about your treatment

Under 16’s must be accompanied by a consenting adult but anyone is welcome to bring a companion if needed.

If you cannot manage the stairs please inform us at the time of booking and we will arrange treatment in a downstairs room.

You will be required to complete your medical screening form online prior to your treatment. If you are unable to access it online, please come 5 minutes early to your appointment time so you can complete a paper version.

Physiotherapy involves asking questions about you and your condition followed by appropriately undressing to expose the areas of the body we need to examine. Please bring shorts/vest tops to make this a more comfortable experience.

You will be asked to sign the consent form online and will also be asked for your verbal consent prior to treatment.